We all see in the news just about every hour how social media has gone viral. It is very unlikely that you know anyone who doesn’t use some form of social media. Social media has become an important part of online marketing. To give you an example, 72% of Instagram users have purchased a product on the app. Another strong testimonial
to the success of social media is that of more than 4,000 Pinterest users, it was found that 70% use Pinterest to find new and interesting products.
If you find it difficult to keep up with these social media trends, you’re certainly not alone. Even the experts have a hard time keeping up with technology because it is constantly changing almost as fast as a nano-second.
Fortunately, social media makes it easier for merchants to reach their customers and to attract new customers. When you use Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook, there are so many ways for e-commerce stores to create shoppable posts.
Shoppers are given all types of opportunities from available apps that allow you to visualize things in your own environment with interactive content that consumers enjoy because it stands our more and helps them visualize what they are considering purchasing. Research indicates that 91% of consumers are looking for more visual and interactive content. When you provide consumers interactive content, you will find that users will stay on your page longer and, in most cases, they share the content which helps grow the awareness of your brand or product.
Personalized marketing is not new to 2021, but it is growing by leaps and bounds. I can’t tell you how many “Roberta Have You Considered” messages I receive in both online messaging and in traditional mail. Some interesting statistics for you to consider are that a majority of consumers in a survey responded favorably to personalization, and the majority admitted they would more likely do business with a company that delivers a personal experience. But don’t rule out some traditional methods of personalization, like email lists. They have been around forever, and they lend themselves to personalization. Another form of personalization is reader familiarity, and this includes brand consistency, subjects of interest, local writers who are active in their communities, and trade and regional magazines such as The Light Magazine.
For years “content is king” has been the accepted mantra of digital marketing. As we move into the future it continues to be true. High-quality content allows you to show your expertise and communicate with your customers from a place of authority. Your content is also what search engines provide to searchers online, so continuing to produce high-quality content is a must. And, fortunately, The Light Magazine’s quality of writers and their ongoing contributions achieve this goal for its readers and clients.