Letter From The Editors

Dear Readers,

Over the next few months, we have many special holidays to enjoy starting with Mother’s Day and ending with Flag Day, with Father’s Day and Memorial Day in between. Flag Day is a holiday often ignored by most people but in today’s environment it should be more important than ever. Americans need to take pride in the values of our Flag and our constitution and the freedom this country provides Americans.

The article “America Today” discusses the disturbing issues our country is facing.  I hope you read this knowing that these issues are important to address, and it is our duty to speak up and be heard.

The “Decline In Professional Sports” article also speaks to respecting values and understanding the importance of the team and fan behavior.

The article “You Deserve More Than Zero” provides some good suggestions on how to make the most of your money. In today’s current economy; it all counts.

We hope you enjoy the next few months with your family and friends during this special time of the year.

Warm Regards

Roberta B. Turner and Larry Turner