“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers
As the new year is here you may be thinking for ways to improve your life in 2024. And if you are like most people, you are planning to adopt a New Year’s resolution, despite the fact that most people rarely live up to the resolutions made in years past.
There are many reasons resolutions fail, but in our line of work the problem is often that they are too general or poorly defined. Resolving to “create a financial plan” or “get my finances in order” is not helpful, because these phrases can mean many different things and will take on different meanings as you move through life. You are much more likely to be successful if, instead of making a general resolution about finances, you set a smaller, more specific goal that is relevant to your current stage of life. Here, we have compiled our suggestions for New Year’s resolutions for each stage of financial life.

Recent High School & College Grads:
Young Marrieds & New Moms & Dads:
Parents Of Teens:
Empty Nesters:
We suggest setting a specific goal in one of these areas of financial planning. Give yourself a deadline to get it done. Financial planning is complex, nuanced, and best accomplished as a series of small tasks completed with the help of qualified professionals.