I encountered a situation a few weeks ago that rekindled my interest in a so-called “After Life” or “Future Life.” The incident referred to did not imperil my life but simply sparked questions about the long-term futures of humans when their life-terms on earth have, in our pedestrian vernacular, expired.
Stories of celebrities passing often comment on the person’s final vivid reactions, suggesting that in our final conscious moments we may see a “light” or something beautiful awaiting us. It is more likely that what happens results from the rapid cessation of a person’s electric brain activity.
That activity may be discontinued but I firmly believe that a “being,” whatever that is, continues to exist. It is obviously something much more esoteric because it will be in a dimension with which we are unfamiliar. At this juncture in one’s existence, it is evident that our bodies don’t define us, but I honestly don’t know what will.
The new “world” for our “beings” at this stage of Future Life probably consists of trillions of miles of what we think of as space. I don’t believe that this space will contain things that need us. I don’t believe our passings are to assist others. If they were, why would we continue to witness suffering on earth as well as wars and pestilence?
This is the point at which the difficult questions arise. If we are not there to assist others, will we at least be aware of others, such as our loved ones? Will we recognize anyone or anything? How can we have feelings, and be happy, if we are not doing something or aware of things. Maybe there does not need to be the concept of “happiness” in the Future Life.
So what will we be? Or is there a reason for us to “be”? Perhaps at that juncture in the journey “we” simply become a stitch in the fabric of the universe. Our beings may be able to observe, but without the ability to judge or express emotions. We are simply there to be absorbed into the dignity and beauty of existence!
As to whether we will be able to connect with our loved ones, posing the question prompts me to resurrect the haunting words of the beautiful song written by Christie Hennessy: “Remember me and I will be with you.”
Is this song title the embodiment of what is destined to be our Future Life?