I happened to be watching TV when an interview with Texas Governor Abbott appeared discussing the situation at the border between Texas and Mexico. Some of his statements were quite disturbing. I have no proof as to the accuracy of his comments, but I doubt he would lie on national television. Here is some of what he said:
Among those apprehended were 800 criminals, including those previously arrested in the U.S. and deported, 76 sex offenders, and 62 gang members, including MS-13 gang members, creating a very dangerous situation.
After listening to this interview for fifteen or so minutes, it struck me that there has to be a strong reason the government is permitting this situation to exist. Staring into my crystal ball, I saw a counting machine in the Oval Office going “cha-ching, cha-ching” each time an immigrant crossed over into the United States. Each one who is fed, housed and transported is a qualified “probable” vote for those behind what is being permitted and encouraged to exist.
And the irony of it all is that those citizens of the U.S. who are successful will be taxed to pay for these “votes” that will help sustain those in power who continue to fuel this situation for their own self-preservation.