Managing your personal finances can be an emotional undertaking that pits greed against fear. Greed… (more)
I am happy to report that we have officially completed the 2022 Legislative Session. We… (more)
The media today now publicly recognizes that journalism as we once revered it is dead. … (more)
The earlier wildfires in Australia were a major issue for the survival of the koala… (more)
The departure of Derek Jeter as the CEO and a shareholder of the Miami Marlins… (more)
Toyota continues to lead the charge in the Hybrid vehicle market. The manufacturer that familiarized… (more)
The Tony Hotel South Beach, formerly The Hotel of South Beach, embodies the classic South… (more)
According to Google, of all species that have existed on Earth, 99.9 percent are now… (more)
Baha Mar is located on Cable Beach in Nassau, Paradise Island. Cable Beach is home… (more)
I am a big fan of daylight saving time and look forward to Sunday, March… (more)